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SHARKO "Feuded"
(1999, Bang!, n°28654)

Songs (click on the -icons for a small audio-sample)
1. The 60's
2. Tequila (and 23rd)
3. Evidence
4. Artist
5. Red issue
6. Wake up
7. Nurse's waltz
8. Bleedin' all
9. Evil S.
10. A moon over my house
11. Such a bone
12. Capitol

Written & Performed by David Bartholomé
Produced & Recorded by Rudy Coclet

Guests :
- Olivier Bodson (trumpet)
- Eric Morlot (drums)
- Geoffrey Burton (guitar)
- Marc van Eyck (drums)

artwork :


My opinion

About a year or three ago the winner of Concours Circuit, the "battle-of-the-bands" in the South of the country (back then under the name "Nose Kitchen"), a well-received 4-track CD "Cuckoo" in 1998, and this "Feuded" full-cd in October of last year. A "band" that consists of òne musician, and òne sound-engineer. A "difficult" man, an "artist". That Sharko for ya.
He certainly has a "face of his own", as becomes clear from the 12 tracks from "Feuded". Or btter : he has 12 faces, or ar at least 12 mirrors that reflect the personality of David Bartholomé in different distortions and false measurements.
Unfortunately, there are only 4 or 5 real songs on "Feuded" (the "song" still being the cornerstone of my musical society). The rest of the short tracks are painfully pathetic ("Artist"), short filmic experiments ("Red Issue", "Nurse's Waltz", "Evil S.") or inititiatives to things that could become beautiful, but get squashed, faded out or smothered after half a minute or so ("The 60's", "Bleedin' All"). More than one place on the album resembles a badly tunes radio-station (reminded me of Shock Headed Peters).
But there are also a lot of damn fine things to discover on "feuded", under the original artwork of the digipack. Such as "Moon over my house", a real gem of a song that sadly gets trampled by a mixture of a fanfare and a horde of Austrian fascists. Or such as "Such A Bone", for that one chilling bit "We have no sex life, but I keep buying condoms, and we have no love life, but I keep loving her, loving her". Or "Tequila [and 23rd]" or "Evidence" because of their strange grooves. Or the merry chorus of "Wake Up".
A découvrir !

And your opinion?
Did I get it all wrong, or was I spot-on ? Do you want to share your opinion about this cd ? Send it in, and I'll put it up here !

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This Album in the Press

- dp in Gonzo Circus : "het Waalse Sharko breidde 12 rokerige low-fi structuren samen tot "Feuded", een veel "arty" en weinig "farty" gestalt. ... Vergelijkingen zijn uit den boze want elke song toont op zijn beurt een ander Sharko gezicht. Bij momenten reincarneert Feuded zelfs het onnavolgbare Janes's Addiction".
- popnews (fr) : "Dès la pochette hors normes, on est prévenu : Sharko est encore une de ces bizarreries que l'on ne sait pas par où tenir, qui ne se laissera pas enfermer dans une boîte si facilement, qui mérite une dizaine d'écoutes avant que l'on commence à y comprendre quelque chose. ... "Afraid not to be on your playist / Good God, I'm an artist" - allons, il ne faut pas s'inquiéter comme ça, ça devrait pouvoir s'arranger facilement."

Did you see a good (or bad) review of this album ? Tell me about it !


Where to buy this CD ?

You can order this CD from a number of locations (prices researched on February 2, 2000, but nothing guarantees they still are the same when you read this).

Price of the CD
Shipping + other expenses
Direct Link
639 Bef.
584 Bef

The lowest price is in yellow, the highest in red. This price comparison doesn't take things into account like deduction of shipping expenses when ordering more than 1 cd, bonus points, differences in guarantees ... Shipping prices are those for customers in Belgium.

Have you seen this record elsewhere on the net, do you own an online-CD-shop with Belgian products in it, or if there's something wrong with my calculations : let me know.


More about this group :

- There's a a URL on the sleeve, but that doesn't seem to respond :
- Sharko at Interieur Nuit
- Bandy Bandy - +32.(0)2/534.71.44



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