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PPz30, which is also the chemical formula for concrete, are a young and hard-hitting band whose fusion music recalls the early Red Hot Chili Peppers.


"Jumping Jehosephat"
51,4 sec. - 101 Kb.
song : PPz30
Production :PPz30.
Year : 1995
Record co. : Abatrash / Boucherie Productions

"Small town USA"
53,6 sec. - 105 Kb.
song : PPz30
Production : PPz30
Year : 1995 : Abatrash / Boucherie Productions


PPz30 is born on the ashes of  Belgian band "Walpurgis Volta" (Eric, Guitar - Joe, Bass - Phil The Vibes, Drums). This band has released at least two albums : "Walpurgis Volta" of 1987 and "Violence des chocs" of 1989. If anybody has more info on this group, please let me know.


PPz30 itself was born in 1992, when they meet Bruce Ellison, a mime player who was traveling around Europe at the time. After a year of jamming and establishing their style, their debut album comes out in 1993 and is entitled "Whack!".

From the bio : "They very quickly achieved in France and Benelux the reputation of a terrific live band thanks to the astonishing performance of front man Bruce and to the musicianship of Daniel Wang. (multi-instrumentalist - formerly of Blain Reiniger's band and La Muerte - with whom they teamed up in March of 1995)"

The second album "Sweet smell of sucksess" is released in 1995 and sprouts up a terrific single : "Jumpin' Jehosephat" remains in the alternative charts (De Afrekening of Studio Brussel) for weeks. This song means a breakthrough for the band and manages to have them widen their "alternative" audience.

From the bio again : "Sweet Smell of Sucksess" is their second album. It was masterly produced by Gilles Martin (Tuxedo Moon, Dominique A, dEUS, Miossec, ...), who succeeded 100% in capturing the powerful energy of the band as well as the multiple influences of its cross-cultural music : Rap, Hardcore, Hip-Hop, Folk, Reggae, etc. The lyrics -in American English- takes a caustic and corrosive look on our society without ever taking things seriously."


In 1997 they release "This is not a bell", preceded by the single "I'm the leader". They also team up with Luc Van Lieshout, who played in Tuxedomoon before.

They tour the country and our neighbors again and make a very good impression with their gig at Dour (main stage) and Marktrock. As the announcement for this last gig said : "Sometimes it helps when you've got a screw loose. Take PPz30 for instance : listen to the irresistible Jumpin Jehosephat and you'll hear its precisely this portions of lunacy that makes the song so interesting. The same goes for their albums : exciting rock with a touch of Alzheimer, the kind Frank Zappa would've loved.".

In march 1998, they release a new single : it's called "Down & Up & In & Out" and is a remix by Neven. Daniel Wang also informed me there is an official PPz30-website official website in the making.

Members :
- Bruce ... (vocals)
- Eric / Monster / Daniel Wang (guitar)
- Phil ... (drums)
- Joe ... (bass)
- Luc Van Lieshout (brass)

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Albums :
- Whack! (Sing Mary, 1994 - This album can still be bought at their concerts)
- Sweet smell of sucksess (62TV Records, 1995 - Distrubution in Belgium : Bang!, Rough Trade/Zomba in Holland, Tripsichord in France and Shellshock in the UK)
- This is not a bell (62 TV Records, 1997 - same distribution)

Websites :
- PPz30 semi-official website
- PPz30 at Netbeat

Forum :
- Lees de berichten over PPz30
- Voeg een bericht, vraag, cd- of concertverslag ... over PPz30 toe



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Het Belgisch Pop & Rock Archief was tot begin 2002 in handen van Dirk Houbrechts. Om persoonlijke redenen (lees hier waarom) stopte hij met deze website. Het archief is nu toevertrouwd aan het Muziekcentrum Vlaanderen (, het steunpunt voor de professionele muzieksector. Contact: of per post naar Muziekcentrum Vlaanderen, Steenstraat 25, 1000 Brussel.

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